Saturday, April 7, 2012

A New place for Sanity

I am starting this as a discussion of openness.  I am seeing so many people discuss fearful things on the internet...I want to give people a forum to try and discuss matters in a friendly forum, as we take our journey inward.  I will both pick or allow others to introduce some topics. So please browse through the posts on the right...


  1. I am certain the mechanism the ego uses for general righteousness is linear thinking.

  2. Agreed. It tries to come at you from all ends as well. The linear thinking is a set up for the chance that we may start to wake up and then it tries to convince us that we should feel guilty for letting go of something that we have kept for so long.

  3. As well, there are layers of thought. It is like those "magic eye posters." The ones you would stare at and see a picture in it. The linear in it was the blurry mess you see if that is what you want. Multidimensional thinking is equivalent to staring, doing what's necessary to "see" the picture behind the picture. THAT formula IS the multidimensional thought.

    Overall, I am seeing so many people speaking a different language online. I will give some examples of it in more detail in a day or so.

  4. Great way to explain it. For too long, we (I) accepted the blurry mess. Things are never as bad as they appear to be when we (I) want to "see" the picture behind the picture.
